Zeona McIntyre

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Building a Community, Future Meetups?

Hey Guys,

Lately, I have been getting a ton of requests to meet for coffee and yet, I just don’t really have the time or energetic bandwidth to meet for one on ones at my current stage of grieving my father’s passing. And yet, not providing an alternative option also doesn’t sit right with me.


Community is very important to me and I would love to meet all my readers. In an effort to change this situation and to be extra efficient, I have been considering hosting occasional meetups in some fun locations around town here in Boulder, CO. My only concern is “will anyone show up”?


For this reason, I have been considering waiting for some other local blogger friends: MMM or Mr. 1500 Days, to host a meetup that I can tag on to until I know I have enough local followers to warrant a party of my own.


So, here is my call to action: If you are a local Boulder, Denver area reader and would make the trek out to Boulder for a hangout, post a comment below. If I get at least 10, I can hope that 2-3 people would show and I would run one as a test.


If you have any better ideas, let me know. I’m open to them.


Second order of business:

As some of you know, I have gotten really into the idea of Mobile Home Park Investing lately, since my friends Brandon Turner and Mindy Jensen of the Bigger Pockets Podcast bought a park and told me about it. I have long been hearing about how they are great investments, and yet, I put the idea aside since I didn’t know much about them and knew it would be a steep learning curve.


I have decided to start educating myself. I am working through every podcast of Mobile Home Park Investors and The Mobile Home Park Investing Podcast, as well as listening to the MHP specific episodes on the Bigger Pockets Podcast. In my thirst for more information, I talked to a friend who flips mobile homes and he recommended Mobile Home University’s 3 day Mobile Home Park Investors BootCamp.* He went twice and raved about it.


I reached out to Mobile Home University for a partnership and they were excited to have me join in on their course. If you would like to learn alongside me, I will be attending the Denver Course June 1st-3rd. I would love to have some friendly faces there.


Why do I think Mobile Home Park Investing is a good Idea?

Balance the Portfolio: Invest in Low Income Housing - I believe the next recession is right around the corner and although no one can predict how it will affect housing, I imagine people would vacation less, which could greatly affect the Airbnb market. Mobile Home Parks can range from trailer park to manufactured golf course, 55+ communities. No matter what, they offer the cheapest housing option around when affordable housing is few and in high demand.  


For 7 more reasons why this Asset Class is a good Investment, check out Brandon Turner’s article in Forbes.


If any readers own a park, I’d love to hear about it. Comment below.


*If you buy your ticket with a friend, both of you save $500. Post your interest on the blog comments or my facebook page and you might find someone to split the savings with.


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