Zeona McIntyre

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Ask & You Shall Receive: Our 1st Meetup!

Here it is! Facebook Event

Come one, come all! 

I had a ton of positive responses after tossing out the idea of a possible Meetup, so I decided to just do it! 



Sanitas Brewery (3550 Frontier Ave, Boulder) - This Sunday 2/25, 3pm. 
They have a Taco Truck if you are hungry and outside games if you want to brave the chill. 

Should be enough space to casually host some folks. There won't be a presentation or anything, I've just been interested in meeting readers, hearing how your businesses are going, and mingling with like-minded folks.

Come on out and keep me company, just in case no one shows up =)


Looking forward to seeing all your beautiful faces and hearing about your wheeling and dealing. #hustlers.  


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