Posts tagged hosting
Swapping Secrets with Famed Blogger: The Abundant Host

I imagine some of you avid readers have come across my friend Amy’s popular blog in the Airbnb space: The Abundant Host. As it turns out, we are both entrepreneurial, world-traveling women residing in Boulder, so we were bound to connect! Amy gracefully agreed to share some of her secrets with us, including some exciting new courses she’s working on for 2019. She’ll also be posting a “top secrets” article from me as well, so check that out on her site!

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Upcoming Q&A in Denver & Latest Podcast Interview to go live!

I have a few fun announcements:

Toilets to Tenants, a Landlord meetup group in Denver, asked me to come do a Q&A at their next event! Their events are free and open to the public. We will be discussing local Denver Short Term Rental laws, pros and cons to listing your home on Airbnb, whether or not to use a management company - like myself, etc.

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Guest Post: Increase Your Airbnb Income & Make the World a Better Place

I am pleased to introduce Tim Wadsworth an Airbnb Host and Professor at CU Boulder, who is creating a Non-Profit called Greater Good Hosting, which allows hosts to share a percentage of their earnings with select charities while advertising their efforts on their listings, which in turn will bring in more bookings from Guests who also want to support good causes.

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