Posts tagged Personal Capital
Has the Coronavirus affected my Net Worth? Let's find out!

hope this message finds you well. At least cozy at home, safe, and fed. I know personally that the time in Quarantine has been a mixed bag. With a lot more space to learn, reflect and try new things, all while balancing some boredom, sameness and depressed or melancholic moments.

I am incredibly grateful to have homes that will continue to pay for my frugal lifestyle, even rented on a less profitable month to month basis. With my work tasks grinding to nearly a complete halt, I am realizing more and more how much of a responsibility it is to go inside to find (or create!) my own happiness, fulfillment, inspiration and drive. I will admit that I have varying degrees of success at this.

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Revealing the numbers: Tracking my Net Worth

As you may have noticed, I recently added Tracking Your Net Worth as part of my “Take Action” suggestions at the bottom of each blog and I imagine some of you might be thinking, “Why is this important?”.

Well in addition to being an Entrepreneur and Real Estate Investor, I wear the important badge of FIRE enthusiast. This means, that I have “money goals baby!” and I want to know how close I am to achieving them. Plus, I believe what you focus on grows, so why don’t we all put a little more attention on those sexy bank accounts?

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