Posts in Investing
My Biggest Mistake in Real Estate

If you have been following along lately, I am continuing to tell stories of my most fantastic Real Estate fails in celebration of Ken Corisini’s newly released book (Check out Chapter 17, it’s me!): “Profit Like The Pros”.

As I mentioned in my last post, while this book is all about our most profitable deals and biggest wins, I think there is a lot to learn from our failures as a community. I love to share mine widely, not only to keep my ego in check, but also to be transparent as a fellow investor and mentor in the field.

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My latest Flop in Real Estate Investing

Hi Friends!

I wanted to write this post in honor of the upcoming release of “Profit Like The Pros”, a collection of stories from the Best Deal Ever Bigger Pockets Podcast with Ken Corsini, from Flip or Flop Atlanta. If you are not following me on Instagram, then you may have missed that they surprised me by putting my face on the cover! Ah-mazing!

I’ve started reading it and I have to say, I feel so inspired by the first few case studies, I highly recommend it if you are looking for your next inspiring Real Estate book.

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And now, for something different in Real Estate!

For as long as I’ve been in Real Estate, I've resisted becoming a Real Estate Agent.

My reasoning was:

  1. I bought out of state (well... except 2014, 2019, 2020 -- this year I could have gotten a 13K reimbursement if I had been licensed.)

  2. I didn't like the hours (oh, but Airbnb property management is just as on call, possibly worse)

  3. So many people do Real Estate in a cheesy way and I didn't want to feel like one of the herd (ok that one is valid).

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2019 Homes Performance - Earnings & Expenses

Why do I share these?

I share in an effort to show transparency on Real Estate & Airbnb Investments. I often see investors brag about all that can be made, which is substantial even in less desired locations like some of my homes are in, and yet they leave out the high expenses required to run such a business.

What I appreciate is that these 6 properties (3 with partial ownership), allow me to be Financially Independent, which I define as earning more from my assets than I spend to live. Of course, this is partially because I live frugally. In 2019, I personally earned $40,956 in profits from the homes, up $4,000 from the previous year.

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Has the Coronavirus affected my Net Worth? Let's find out!

hope this message finds you well. At least cozy at home, safe, and fed. I know personally that the time in Quarantine has been a mixed bag. With a lot more space to learn, reflect and try new things, all while balancing some boredom, sameness and depressed or melancholic moments.

I am incredibly grateful to have homes that will continue to pay for my frugal lifestyle, even rented on a less profitable month to month basis. With my work tasks grinding to nearly a complete halt, I am realizing more and more how much of a responsibility it is to go inside to find (or create!) my own happiness, fulfillment, inspiration and drive. I will admit that I have varying degrees of success at this.

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5 Apps to Help You Save Up for Your Next Airbnb Investment

Hi Everyone,

My apologies that it has been awhile. My aim is to publish every two weeks but, unfortunately my Niece passed away in early Feb and I have been giving myself more space away from work to grieve. It has been challenging and my energy levels have been unpredictable. I have a lot of love and support in my community which has helped, I just thought I should let you know where I am at.

Thank you for understanding. In the meantime I have had some help from a friend to bring these resources below to you. I am hopeful that I will be on my normal schedule soon enough.

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January Quarter-ish Review - Numbers & Investments to come

Hello Friends, 

Welcome to my Quarter-ish report. I think if I was truly official I might have tallied things up Dec 31st, but who is working during the holidays? Not me!

As you may have noticed, things are a little informal around here, thanks for giving me the space to share in the best way that I can. 

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New Offering! Get Financially Fit for 2020

In November, I was feeling inspired and newly invigorated to optimize my finances after beta reading the Choose FI book before it’s launch. That FIRE’d up energy led to me posting the above post on my Facebook wall. 

That post snowballed into sharing resources, then at the recommendation of some friends, putting together an “Optimizing Your Day to Day” event, then creating an on-going educational meetup group called Finances & Friends and finally, testing out a new one on one FI Fitness call with clients and friends. Now I want to bring that special offering to you!

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How Did My Homes Perform? Annual Review!

Hello friends,

As we are nearing the end of the year, the reality of the impending need to get all my numbers crunched is starting to set in. Yay spreadsheets!

In March or April when I finally had all of last years numbers together, I had the idea to share them with you but then somehow it got pushed aside for one more interesting idea or another. Good news! I have them here for you today.

My aim in sharing the real life numbers with you is to a show a true snapshot of what you can expect from owning Airbnb rentals. At the end of the day, I am eternally grateful for the $36,840 of profit I was able to generate off of just 6 homes. Yet, when I step back and look at the numbers, considering all the hard work and time put in, it looks low to me and not an impressive, slam dunk of what some expect bnbs to be.

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Revealing the numbers: Tracking my Net Worth

As you may have noticed, I recently added Tracking Your Net Worth as part of my “Take Action” suggestions at the bottom of each blog and I imagine some of you might be thinking, “Why is this important?”.

Well in addition to being an Entrepreneur and Real Estate Investor, I wear the important badge of FIRE enthusiast. This means, that I have “money goals baby!” and I want to know how close I am to achieving them. Plus, I believe what you focus on grows, so why don’t we all put a little more attention on those sexy bank accounts?

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Kickfurther! A New Stream of Investing that Supports Small Businesses

So we’ve all heard of Kickstarter right? If you’ve been living under a rock, their website describes them as: “Kickstarter is a funding platform for creative projects. Everything from films, games, and music to art, design, and technology. Kickstarter is full of ambitious, innovative, and imaginative ideas that are brought to life through the direct support of others.

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Two new podcasts! Take a listen...

May has been podcast month! I have been recording 2 or so a week, including some fun big name ones that should be coming out in the next few months.

I do not usually post here when a new podcast comes out, but since 2 episodes came out within a few days of each other, I thought it would be a good time to remind you of the media section where you can find a list of all the podcasts that I have been on:

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Why I never use LLCs for my properties

Readers frequently write in and ask me whether or not I recommend putting their properties into an LLC. While this is a very personal choice, I will tell you why I do not go this route. Of course, keep in mind while reading that I am not a lawyer or a tax accountant so you will have to use your best judgement or may want to get a professional opinion.

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Guest Post: How this Combat Veteran replaced his income with Airbnb!

It’s funny how life works out sometimes.  

Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote, “Be not the slave of your own past - plunge into the sublime seas, dive deep, and swim far, so you shall come back with new self-respect, with new power, and with an advanced experience that shall explain and overlook the old.”

This is how I choose to look at my path to FIRE.  

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TurnKey VR Investments: Finally, a company that does it all! From Purchase to Furnish to Management

While I was at GuestyVal, I made many valuable connections, one of them was to the brothers behind Their front is as a management company but I am here to blow open their invite-only secret, that they are also providing fully Turn-Key, Vacation Rentals Investments! Shahar Goldboim is a local Broker in the Ft. Lauderdale area so he can assist eager investors through the process from searching to close, then they have relationships with wholesalers to get under market discounts on furniture that they plan, design, and install for you. Lastly, they will manage the home completely from start to finish. The bonus (as if you need more convincing) is that their background is in analytics, so they have designed a ease to use, fully transparent website that allows you to see all the breakdowns of how your investment is performing. Truly a hands off experience.

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The Importance of Self Education

As I am preparing for the Mobile Home University weekend course starting tomorrow (Friday, June 1st), and concurrently reading BiggerPockets, Scott Trench’s book “Set for Life” and “Head Strong” by Dave Asprey, I have been reflecting on how important self education is for me (and everyone really) and how nurturing my passions lights me up and gives me energy to carry through to the rest of the areas of my life.

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