Posts tagged Financial Independence
5 Apps to Help You Save Up for Your Next Airbnb Investment

Hi Everyone,

My apologies that it has been awhile. My aim is to publish every two weeks but, unfortunately my Niece passed away in early Feb and I have been giving myself more space away from work to grieve. It has been challenging and my energy levels have been unpredictable. I have a lot of love and support in my community which has helped, I just thought I should let you know where I am at.

Thank you for understanding. In the meantime I have had some help from a friend to bring these resources below to you. I am hopeful that I will be on my normal schedule soon enough.

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New Offering! Get Financially Fit for 2020

In November, I was feeling inspired and newly invigorated to optimize my finances after beta reading the Choose FI book before it’s launch. That FIRE’d up energy led to me posting the above post on my Facebook wall. 

That post snowballed into sharing resources, then at the recommendation of some friends, putting together an “Optimizing Your Day to Day” event, then creating an on-going educational meetup group called Finances & Friends and finally, testing out a new one on one FI Fitness call with clients and friends. Now I want to bring that special offering to you!

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Interview Series: Creative Housing! What I learned from the host of one of my favorite Airbnbs.

As a long time Airbnb host and world traveler, I’ve stayed in my fair share of vacation rentals. Second only to the incredible (and free!) pet sitting opportunities, Airbnbs are my favorite places to stay! I love them because they let me: A. See how the locals live, B. (Usually) meet locals and get insider tips and tricks for the area. C. Cook at home; and most importantly,  D. Gain insight on areas I can improve my rentals back home.

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Find Your Why

I don’t know about you, but this business of setting and defining goals has felt like a moving, elusive target. Although, I think that I am in a unique position to be overlapping into two very different groups that influence my thoughts on the subject. On the one side, I have friends like Mr. Money Mustache, a colorado based fellow who has a popular blog on Early Retirement, frugality and finding your freedom; and then I also have successful entrepreneurial friends who are young and driven, looking to scale and grow their empires to unlimited proportions. I find myself somewhere in the middle.

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The Road to my First Home

Hmm, when I imagined this blog, I didn’t expect to have such a heavy message and yet I am realizing how impacted I have been by my mother’s passing and the experience that went along with it. I apologize if that is triggering for anyone and yet, I see this as my healing space, my platform, so I will allow it to flow as needed.

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My humble beginnings towards Financial Independence

My love for homes goes back as far as I can remember. Although many would not label me as such, I seem myself as an introvert. I love deep conversation, small group interactions, watching/analyzing before interacting, and I am a homebody. I love the warmth and comfort of homes. I have always seen them as a sanctuary, a place to rest, recharge, and be with yourself. When I was a child, we moved a lot. Although it was mostly within the small island of Maui, I frequently changed schools, which forced me to get out, make friends and push my comfort zone edges. Even though I hated the uprooting process of moving and gathering all our belongings, packing and transporting; I loved the resettling, decorating and nesting process. Every space was a blank canvas with endless possibilities.

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